
Page in Progress

In another star system, far from Earth, there once existed an Earth-like planet orbiting the habitable zone of its star. Life thrived on this planet. However, this paradise was not fated to last. A new kind of life emerged here. An all-consuming form of life, neither plant, nor animal. Something entirely new. Something that grew unstoppably, quickly consuming everything in its path, until there was nothing left and the planet that once thrived with life was left to rot under this parasite's embrace.

Meanwhile, the United Human Worlds (U.H.W), using data gathered by their probes over recent years, determined that there is strong evidence for a breathable atmosphere and life on this moon. And not just microbial life, but intelligent life. Specifically, located in a small area scattered with craters. Photographs from space showed some of the deeper craters dotting the barren lunar surface were filled with dense plant life that even appeared to contain their own rain cycles. 

Not long after landing on the moon, the research team is shocked to discover an ever growing alien structure quickly engulfing the terrain and find themselves in the grip of being captured by it and held in organic pods attached to its body that are slowly digesting them. Rick and only one of the researchers manage to break free before the structure digests them completely.

Rick and the remaining researcher are the only ones left to continue the research. Their mission becomes to find out what this new life form is and to destroy it before it entirely engulfs the moon and kills all life on it.

For hundreds of thousands of years these spores floated aimlessly throughout space, laying dormant, waiting for the day that they could awaken and follow in the footsteps of their mother. One day, in a solar system lightyears away from their origin, they were finally given the opportunity to fulfil their destiny as they found themselves being pulled into the atmosphere of a moon ripe for life.

With nothing left to consume, this parasitic organism was left with no other choice but to die alone. However, in a final effort to preserve its need to feed and grow, it released spores of its offspring out into space before calcifying forever into a fossilized husk wrapped around its lifeless victim.

As the spores were pulled closer and closer to the terrain, they began to awaken from a long, deep dormancy. After landing safely on fertile soil, they used their flagella and the last of their tiny energy reserve position themselves in the sun before burrowing into the soil, where they could finally begin to grow. At first, the sproutings were so small that nobody would have even noticed they were there, but this moon had no idea what was about to happen to it..

Naturally, it was exciting for U.H.W to find a strong possibility of alien life, so they quickly pulled a research team together to explore the lunar surface. When they landed, they did indeed find life and a breathable atmosphere, however the realities of this harsh world dispelled any existing hope, replacing it with only fear and dread. The research team endured hostile flora and fauna, but that was not the worst of it.

It was not long before they were shocked to discover a massive ever growing organic structure quickly engulfing the terrain, consuming and destroying everything in its path.

Not long after landing on the moon, the research team is shocked to discover an ever growing alien structure quickly engulfing the terrain and find themselves in the grip of being captured by it and held in organic pods attached to its body that are slowly digesting them. Rick and only one of the researchers manage to break free before the structure digests them completely.