Script Index

Intro Cutscene

Narrated by Rick Raster:

"The hissing of the stasis pods was the first thing that woke me up after a four year slumber as our research ship, the U.H.W (United Human Words) Cygnus entered the Xeno star system. We had finally arrived. Our mission was to spread among the stars, but you never know what’s out there. That’s why you need guys like me. Guys who’ll do the dirty work. The U.H.W had a heavily funded Research and Exploration (RAE) division. Star systems with habitable worlds were prioritized."

"We had our eye on one world in particular. A small moon orbiting the gas giant Xeno A. Probes detected a breathable atmosphere and a strong possibility of life. The colony was ecstatic. But in my experience, life always finds a way to try to kill you. As the Cygnus research vessel established an orbit on the outskirts of the system, my companions and I were dispatched as Alpha research crew to land and explore the surface of the moon."

"When we landed, we did indeed find life and a breathable atmosphere, however the realities of this harsh world dispelled any existing hope, replacing it with only fear and dread. My companions and I endured hostile flora and fauna but that was not the worst of it. Some kind of colossal and powerful lifeform snuck up and overpowered us. That was when I blacked out. When I came to, I woke up to my worst nightmare. Alone, wrapped in a weird sack of goo that could only be described as an external stomach pod. Well, I’ll be damned if I die being eaten alive by a sack of vomit. I ripped my way out of that damn thing as fast as I could and that’s where we are now."